Senate Majority Leader
Robert VanderLaan
Robert VanderLaan, State Senator from the 31st District, was born June 4, 1930 in what is now the city of Kentwood, Kent County, Michigan. He received his A.B. in 1952 from Calvin College and his masters in political science from the University of Michigan in 1957. VanderLaan taught in Grand Rapids public schools for 10 years and at Calvin College on a part-time basis.
He was elected to the State Senate in 1962, and re-elected in 1964, 66, and 70. His special interest while serving was education and labor. In 1966, he was elected Majority Floor Leader, and was elected in 1970 as Majority Leader. He resigned that post when he ran for the U.S. Congress in 1974..

Interviewed by Bill Ballenger
85 minutes, July 13, 2009